Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Time to Get the Dust Off

   Time to stop neglecting this Blog, I always enjoy saying what's on my mind but sometimes putting in text just seems like it never comes across right. So... Not that I ever make New Years Resolutions but this is something I need to pay more attention so I will kick it off tonight. Nice and simple this time. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who has been so supportive of me and this crazy fishing habit. First and foremost would have to be my lovely wife Kris and my family. Without their support and help none of this past years great adventures would be possible. Next to them would have to be our great friends and fellow fishing junkies. Sometimes just being on the water with this bunch is worth more then any of the fish caught!
    Speaking of catching fish, I believe I have some of the greatest companies in the world backing me and 1st Landing Kayak Fishing Services with their support and great products! Thank You, Thank You for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your companies!! In no particular order I do feel that I need to mention some of them here, Native Watercraft, Daiwa Fishing, Yak Attack, Columbia Clothing, Werner Paddles, Astral Bouyancy, MirrOlures, Ohero Fishing Products and all the gang at Hook1 Crew! It is my honor and privilege to represent you and your products each and every day.
     I would also like to take this time to say that I'm very proud to have been involved with many great events with Heroes On The Water. I have always said the reason I enjoy doing what I do is sharing with others. But there is nothing more rewarding or enjoyable then showing our American heroes the reward of fishing from a kayak and the freedom that "They" can have!!
    Wrapping this all up, I promise to share what's on my mind more often and keep everyone up to speed on the goings on of the Double L's and 1st Landing Kayak Fishing. Oh yeah, don't forget if you haven't had enough of us tune in every Tuesday Night to Kayak Fishing to hear it straight from my mouth... No typing required!

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