Monday, July 26, 2010

So you want to be a fishing guide? Part 1

  This is part one of who knows how many posts on the dark side of the guided fishing world. Not to be meant as a discouraging ramble, more to show the side most don't think about. Or know. If I had a dime for every time someone says how much fun it must be to be a guide I would be retired now hiring guides to take me fishing. Before you ever even get on the water with a client there is so much to be done. I'm not talking about the pre- fishing prep either. How did that person even get to this point of having a trip scheduled? There are countless hours of "behind the scenes" work. One of the hardest is self marketing. This is where you spend countless hours and even more money "pimping" yourself out. Trade shows and fishing expos are where a lot of long hours are spent in the off season. Here you stick your face in the crowd and shake alot of hands, answer alot of questions and try to convince someone that choosing a trip with you will time and money well spent. For me this is not always a bad thing. I really enjoy talking and sharing with people the fishing they can experience from a kayak. Plus these events are always a chance to catch up with friends and check out some cool fishing stuff. All of this is a shot in the dark that you will make at least enough money to break even or even better make a profit from that show.....

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